Saving one animal will not change the world, but for that one animal the world will change forever.
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Shelby was saved from Animal Control with her 3 litter mates. She is approximately 8 weeks old and is a yellow Lab mix weighing 10 pounds. Shelby has had her first puppy vaccination and a negative fecal test. Shelby MUST be an INDOOR dog and go to a home with a fully fenced back yard. All applications must be approved and are not a guaranty to adopt.
Shelbys adoption fee is $50.00 plus an additional $50.00 refundable neuter deposit.
Please call to make an appointment to see her, or look for our next Adopt A Pet date on our Petfinder home page.
Pets For Life Rescue has decided as a group not to ship our pets, the prospective owners must be able to come see the pets in person. There is also an application to be approved.
81.5k |
53.7k |