Saving one animal will not change the world, but for that one animal the world will change forever.
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Meet Skippy.. the young male Papillon. We believe he is a purebred. He will be a wonderful pet for someone. He weighs 6 pounds and is around a year old. He has one blue eye and one brown eye. Skippy loves walking on a leash and, when inside, he loves following you around everywhere, hanging out on your lap, and getting belly rubs.
Skippy is neutered. We also had xrays done on his leg/hips. His joints do look like they may be a little sore. *perhaps some kind of earlier injury that was left untreated* If it seems to start bothering him (other than skipping) , he would benefit from some joint medicine to alleviate any discomfort. There are many varieties to choose from and it is common. 1 out of 6 dogs need it. The medicine is cheap,especially for his little size, and very easy to obtain.
Skippy is heartworm negative, 100% free of parasites, and has had his rabies and his DHLLP shot ( he will not need anymore shots until June 2009)
Skippy's adoption fee is $200. This will help cover his medical bills to date. Thank you.
Please follow this link to our Adoption Application .
Pets For Life Rescue has decided as a group not to ship our pets, the prospective owners must be able to come see the pets in person.
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